100% of every dollar given goes toward program services. We have no paid staff. In fact, all volunteers raise their own travel funds and expenses thereby making 100% of your donations go directly to well planting and relief efforts.
Well Connected directly oversees the entire process to make sure your contributions go directly to the mission of planting wells where people drawn to water will have a better chance of hearing the Gospel message and coming to Christ.
Before digging a well, we secure guarantees directly from established, reputable, transparent and accountable local churches who know the people—and the need—in their communities, and more importantly, are completely on board with Well Connected mission to establish relationship, connect people and share Christ with hurting people who need to hear of His love!
In providing such Christian churches, schools and orphanages with a valuable asset, their establishment is fortified and supported, and these well beneficiaries will have a better opportunity deliberately connect with their unchurched neighbors. Pastors, teachers and caregivers offering up prayer, support and fellowship (in addition to Well Connected supplied clothing, medicine and education), will hopefully yield an opportunity to share the love of Christ through such a connection.

While people in developing nations struggle with everyday necessities such as food, water, and shelter, people in other parts of the world are thriving and, in some cases, actually struggling with overabundance. I founded WellConnected to help create a balance between this great disparity by connecting needs with means.
I believe that having the means to improve the lives of others is both a privilege and a responsibility and take this calling seriously. By networking, and verifying each divinely appointed request and because of the financial generosity of others, I have the incredible opportunity to directly witness the positive impact on one specific person, family and/or village. We are often able to hand-deliver and oversee mission benevolence through our adaptability, passion, adventuresome spirit and collective skillset - a dynamic synergy that I consider a God-given gift. And so It is our drive to help others that is a response to His blessing on our family.
Thank you in advance for entrusting us with your hard-earned contributions. Because of your generosity, our family gets to play our life cards in this meaningful way. On behalf of my entire family, I remain extremely grateful for your support!

Heather Mehra-Pedersen, Founder

Like an ant carrying a grain of sugar, WellConnected seeks to tackle simple needs focused on one person, family, or village at a time in an effort to collectively solve larger, more complex world-wide problems.
In an effort to reinforce and support existing Christian establishments (Churches, schools and orphanages), we seek to provide clean water via wells and pumps including a maintenance plan on the establishment’s property to both help sustain Christian teaching and outreach as well as attract the unbeliever to clean water, establish connection, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
By providing a life sustaining resource such as water on Christian-based property, we seek to transform underdeveloped communities by partnering with strong churches and other faith-based organizations that will, over time and with connection, introduce people to a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
In providing such Christian churches, schools and orphanages with a valuable asset, their establishment is fortified and supported, and these well beneficiaries will have a better opportunity deliberately connect with their unchurched neighbors. Pastors, teachers and caregivers offering up prayer, support and fellowship (in addition to Well Connected supplied clothing, medicine and education), will hopefully yield an opportunity to share the love of Christ through such a connection.
In an effort to reinforce and support existing Christian establishments (Churches, schools and orphanages), we seek to provide clean water via wells and pumps including a maintenance plan on the establishment’s property to both help sustain Christian teaching and outreach as well as attract the unbeliever to clean water, establish connection, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
By providing a life sustaining resource such as water on Christian-based property, we seek to transform underdeveloped communities by partnering with strong churches and other faith-based organizations that will, over time and with connection, introduce people to a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
In providing such Christian churches, schools and orphanages with a valuable asset, their establishment is fortified and supported, and these well beneficiaries will have a better opportunity deliberately connect with their unchurched neighbors. Pastors, teachers and caregivers offering up prayer, support and fellowship (in addition to Well Connected supplied clothing, medicine and education), will hopefully yield an opportunity to share the love of Christ through such a connection.
Meet the team

Heather Mehra-Pedersen
Founder/Managing Director

Dr. Bruce Pedersen
Strategic Advisor/Medical Director

Kristy Friesen
Director of Health Programs

Selkirk Pedersen
Photographer/Video Production

Mayumi Anderson
Strategic Advisor/Medical Director